Eliminate any sharp corners... & as straight as possible

Looking at this spec sheet, chapter 10.1

they suggest to avoid any sharp corners… how ‘bad’ can I go
my trace will be very short but I have to do corners since the two package I’m using are different sizes.
this one has .50mm and the other http://ww1.microchip.com/downloads/en/devicedoc/20001952c.pdf
is .27

this is a quick mockup of what I need to do…

edit; the picture shared use a bigger version of the mcp23017 so the pitch is even bigger… I found they offer the smaller version with .27

To get straight tracks, you can temporarily use the legacy canvas, and uncheck the appropriate setting in Preferences / pcbnew / Legacy toolset Routing options to allow free angle tracks. But you won’t be able to use the interactive router.

by sharp corners, they usually mean 90 degrees. ie What you have looks quite good.
As this is a Pi-Filter, your GND paths and avoiding cross-coupling should be the focus.
eg Maybe more than 2 vias, and largest practical distance between left and right traces.


The curved/rounded track tool comes top mind.


If you go to Interactive Router Settings you can select Highlight Collisions mode and then check Free angle mode to get direct tracks in the modern router.


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