Electronic Design Using ChatGPT/GPT4

I wrote a blog post about a Twitter conversation I had where we designed some electronics down to the schematic level using ChatGPT/GPT4 and SKiDL.


C’mon, guys! Just three more clicks on the link to my blog post and I get a free toaster!

So now we know the true reason for the ChatGPT interaction! :face_with_monocle:

Just one click away!

I love toast!

We did it!

I would like to express my appreciation to the Academy, my agent, and to all the little people who made this possible.

If you’re ever in town and have a loaf of bread, come on by and I’ll toast a slice. For free!

If I get a lot of bread I would skip town. :rofl:

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Conclusion of the blog post: AI still not taking over EE jobs and it’s faster to draw circuits by hand instead of trying to fix the script and output.

Not my conclusion, but you’re free to have your own…

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