I love the way the datasheet field works. Select the schematic symbol, press ‘D’, and the PDF data sheet pops up. I use this constantly through the project lifecycle.
I wish there was a URL field which worked similarly. And wish the Enhanced PDF data sheet would work with my datasheet value. Let me explain why.
On all my projects, I download the PDF datasheet because this contains the design information used in my design. I typically point URL’s to the manufacturer’s site, so I can determine if and what might have changed before I wrap up my design for production and order parts. Sometimes, some performance information critical to my design changes (or disappears) at/from the manufacturer’s website. Sometimes having the latest and greatest isn’t always a plus. I need to document what I designed against when I compare the two. It’s nearly impossible to design to a moving target. What changes? Setup and hold timing, parasitics, temperature limits, power draw/dissipation, noise rejection, voltage limits, input protection, etc., anything critical to my design.
It would be handy if I could press ‘U’ and have the URL used, just like pressing ‘D’ brings up the copy of the datasheet. I discovered the Datasheet URL depicted above works well if I leave the ${KIPRJMOD}/ out of the relative path as long as the PDF stays in my “kicad” directory.
For others who don’t have or use KiCad, but have to look at my design, it would be handy if the KiCad generated Enhanced PDF worked similarly. Right now I can click on the Enhanced PDF URL and what I want happens. The datasheet entry doesn’t work as I’d like from within the project Enhanced PDF (usually checked out from GitLab). I tried the “file://” form and that didn’t work either. Typically, anybody who has to work with my design will check out the whole design, so relative paths to project information will stay consistent even if the project is at a different location on someone else’s machine. It might also be useful to have multiple URL paths for different purposes, Mfg, Second Source, Purchasing, etc.
If it helps, I’ll share the directory structure I use for projects. Maybe there is a better way to do what I want, both in KiCad and the Enhanced PDF (the solution has to work for both)?