[SOLVED] Eeschema symbol not loading (Kicad 6.0.2)

I’ve got a schématic that I have imported from Kicad 5.0.0, to kicad 6.0.2, and in the hiearchical sheet, some librairy symbol are displayed by a big green Blob.

But If I open the .kicad_sch directly (so not via the project window, then the symbol are displayed correctly.

Also if I had a new identical component, then the new one is displayed correctly.
Also some of the other symbols are displayed correctly.

I suppose what you see are extremely big connection dots.
Few days ago I was asking about bigger dots than expected. See:

thanks a lot, your feedback did send me in the right direction to figure out the issue.
My issue was with the wire width of a specific net class.
“wire_width”: 986.000
which was corrupted (normal value is 6.0). So I’ve corrected my file in an editor. But I’ve no idea were this wire size width can be edited for a net.
I’ve just discovered, that you can now assign a net class to a wire in eeschma, and not only to a net in pcbnew.

You can set the wire width (for schematic) and the track width (for board layout) independendly. Schematic and board editor both have a setup-dialog. There is an extra pane dedicated to netclass-settings.

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Thanks a lot.

I don’t know how I did miss that.

i Just gotta say thanks alot this problem have been bothering me for the last couple of days but finally i found this thread.

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