I have my lib (named my_linear) and the ‘stock’ lib /usr/share/kicad/library/regul.lib, bothe of them contain a slightly different version of 7805 (BTW the ont in /usr/…/regul.lib is bad annotated, no package has VI, VO, GND as pin names), when I make the drawing I choose the 7805 from regul.lib, after realized this lib was not correctly annotated pins I make a new component under my_linear.lib and exchange it.
Then, with bit of back a forth after a while, the net file generated assumes the new pin names and connect the TO_SOT_Packages_SMD:TO-252-2Lead package with the component correctly and I can see it in PCBNew.
This work only while the session is open, once I close kicad an open it again the component becomes again the 7805 from regul.lib, and if I need to generate and read a new net file I will lost the pin relationships of this component.
Seems like if the component name is the only important part of the part name in the file regardless of the library name.
It’s this a bug?