Eeschema rendering/antialiasing quality

After moving from 5.0.0 to master, I noticed the appearance of my schematics became extremely ugly at some zoom levels. Is there a setting for line width or something I should mess with?

Left is 5.0.0, right is 6.0.0-rc1-dev-1546-g786ee0ec6:

Found the preferences for antialiasing which helped a bit… but there are still clear artifacts where for example some wires are a pixel wider than others.

What OS, screen resolution & graphics card do you have?


Ubuntu 18.04, GTX Titan X, 3840x2160.

However I’m running inside Docker so using the fallback modern canvas, maybe I need to compile native and try that…

still happening with accelerated modern toolset on latest from jsreynaud PPA (6.0.0-rc1-unknown-4cf4600)


It looks in the first image like your fallback anti-aliasing is off.

I have found good eeschema results with Fallback, Balanced anti-aliasing on a similar screen to yours.

thanks. unfortunately i get a crash when i try to turn on antialiasing now that I’m running the PPA version. might be GPU issues on my end though, I just updated my nvidia driver.

ok, that was a permissions issue. thanks, balanced AA looks much better

Glad to hear it.

If you have a chance, can you share the crash information and how you resolved it? We shouldn’t be crashing when there is a configuration error, just informing the user.

my config directory had been set to owned by root. I noticed that my recent projects weren’t being updated, and when I closed the program (without triggering the crash) I got a fairly understandable error message about not being able to write configuration which clued me in.

Where can I find that setting? I went to Preferences -> General Options and I looked all all five tabs, but none of them seemed to have anything about antialiasing.

I’m running KiCad 5.0.2 on Ubuntu 16.04.

It’s in recent nightlies, not in release yet.

Btw works great for me, I hated new antialiasing in opengl (modern accelerated) mode too. Cairo (fallback) is fast enough for eeschema so I’m using that now.


Thanks. So does that mean that in 5.0.2, I’m stuck with no antialiasing?

Yes, either no antialiasing or “my eyes hate me” kind of antialiasing.

OK, thanks. On my machine, it looks like no antialiasing to me.

This seems like a step backward from 4.0.7. The text in eeschema always seemed nice in 4.0.7. Although I’m not doing an apples-to-apples comparison, because I was running 4.0.7 on Mac OS X, and I’m running 5.0.2 on Ubuntu. (And on different machines.)

Yes it is, but it comes with a switch to modern rendering pipeline which brings many benefits so overall a huge net positive.
Don’t worry, devs will come around to improve antialiasing and meanwhile they added a workaround.

I found that in recent nightly setting:
For the Graphics (accelerated) mode : Supersampling 2x
For Graphics (falback) mode: High Quality Antialiasing or Balanced Antialiasing.
both renders pretty nicely on a Win7 system with 14" FHD scree. I prefer to work in Modern (accelerated) mode. None of the Subpixel options render well in this mode.

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