Eeschema Place⇾"Add Text Box" and "Add Rectangle" alignment between KiCad v7.0.11 and v8.0.8

Connector documentation, created in a v7.0.11 schematic, isn’t rendering the same in KiCad v8.0.8 schematic. The primitives used were “Place⇾Add Text Box” and “Place⇾Add Rectangle”.

This mapping is done on multiple sheets to provide mapping of signals between a vendor’s board and our KiCad design. We suspect the vendor rushed their design and the mating connector mapping is backwards for customers using this interface. Documenting this mapping solves a number of problems for our design and manufacturing documentation.

The v7 schematic looks like this:

After import to KiCad 8.0.8 there are alignment and scaling problems transferring the design from the v7⇾v8 schematic. The result looks like this:

  1. Is there a better way to create this type of tabular text design documentation in the schematic?

  2. I highlighted the text boxes for better clarity for how this table was created using primitives available in the eeschema tool.

  3. Repairing this by hand will consume non-trivial time to fix, especially if this issue might surface again with a future software update. This is why I’m bringing it up and asking here.

Thoughts? Suggestions? Minor future schematic software fix?