Eeschema netlist problem. Have I broken Eeschema? [Solved: PEBKAC]

Dear all, Please help before I lose what little hair I have left.

I’ve stared at this and I’m not seeing my error, but there is undoubtably one there.

Please see my schematic in the attachment below and the file ‘’.

In the Schematic, you’ll see the design is hierarchical. An example of the net’s I’m having trouble with are USB_DN and BATT_n_USB_n. Let’s examine USB_DN…

On the top level of the design, you should see the net exiting the H-block “Battery block” (middle top block) and entering the right hand H-block “USB hub”.

In H-block “USB hub”, net USB_DN can be seen to connect to R47 and R60.
In H-block “Battery Block”, net USB_DN connects to H-block “Battery micro”.
In H-block “Battery micro”, net USB_DN connects to U5 pin 22.

So when I netlist this desing, I expect to see three connections on net USB_DN (R47, R60 and U5 pin 22). Sadly I don’t. This is what I get:

(net (code 20) (name “/DISPLAY MODULES/DISP_CS[0]”)
(node (ref LCD2) (pin 6))
(node (ref U5) (pin 77)))
(net (code 21) (name /Battery_block/USB_DN)
(node (ref R47) (pin 1))
(node (ref R60) (pin 1)))
(net (code 22) (name /Battery_block/BATT_n_MST_SCL)
(node (ref U5) (pin 90)))

As you can see, U5 is missing.

Any pointers greatly appreciated! (60.2 KB)
Schematic files.

I think there is something missing in the schematic you linked.
The top sheet looks like this when i open it:

The missing components is not the problem.

The problem is U5 symbol. It has duplicated pin numbers.
USBDN_P15[7] is pin 23 as well as TDO_SWV_P1[3]

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@pedro Thank you Sir. I owe you one. That component was a mess, I wonder if it was a Friday afternoon :beer: job?. I’ve fixed the component and the netlist is now correct.

@Rene_Poschl The components aren’t really missing. The empty slots will take instantiations of the H-block “battery block”. I’m laying out one instantiation, then I’ll add the extra blocks and work out how to copy the original layout to pick up the new instantiations. I expect I’ll be asking for suggestions again when I get to that stage, (I’m new to KiCAD), but I intend to have a damn good go at working it out on my own first.

Many thanks to both of you for taking the time to look at this issue.

That will become interesting, to say the least…