[eeschema] 5.1 Left click behavior problem or usability changes?

i have been away from kicad for about a month or so… ubuntu update it for me.
now i have:

Version: 5.1.0-unknown-ead5bfe~82~ubuntu18.04.1, release build
wxWidgets 3.0.4 Unicode and Boost 1.65.1
Platform: Linux 4.15.0-47-generic x86_64

I’m doing thoses steps:

  • Open project
  • Press A, select a symbol
  • Move and left click to place it
  • press ESC to go back to select tool
  • left click any place on worksheet, opens “choose symbol” windows

seems to no matter the shortcut (M, G…) if i left click, it pops off the symbol selection…

i can’t work :frowning: it’s possible to force a downgrade or something like that?

It seems you run nightly builds. There seems to be a bug in it: https://bugs.launchpad.net/kicad/+bug/1825204

A fix has been committed so it will appear for you sometime tonight.

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With KiCad & Ubuntu you should be able to switch between the nightlies and the stable V5.1 by:
1). Uninstall KiCad.
2). Change repositories.
3). Install KiCad again.

More info of course on the KiCad site itself:

With ubuntu one can run nightly and stable in parallel. One is installed as kicad-nightly and one as just kicad. (They get different system directories, different config directories and have a different name in the packet manager.)

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