Editing more than one thing at a time?

I am plodding through my footprints to tweak and prune as I move towards v7 (I am using v7rc1 for this editing). Is there a way to edit multiple things together?

I mean, simple things, like selecting more than one line on silk to change width, or selecting more than one line on silk to change the layer to fab – stuff like that there. Grouping didn’t help either. thx

Edit Text and Graphics Properties (from main menu bar).

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KiCad V7 is going to have: PCB Editor / View / Show Properties Manager, which shows all sort of properties of the current selection, and you can use it to change properties too.

Basic functions seem to work but I have not experimented much with it yet.

That does not work in the footprints editor (in V7)

Thanks @mf_ibfeew – that worked perfectly once I selected the proper scope and filter.

Much of my nearly-700 footprints came from my eagle lib that I built over a decade or so, and I need much tidying-up to spark joy :slight_smile:

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