Editing component reference

I was previously running KiCAD on Mint and have re-installed on Ubuntu. Unless I’m going crazy on Mint I could have sworn when I placed a new symbol and edited it only the ? was highlighted so you could just type the reference number like 100.

I’m now finding on Ubuntu that C? is highlighted so I either have to type C100 or move the cursor and type 100. Its something small but annoying. Is this a setting somewhere or am I dreaming and its always worked like this.

Actually just found if I edit the component, the C? is highlighted, then I move the “Edit Reference Field” dialog box slightly it then changes to only the ? being highlighted.

I"m having this issue on 2 PC’s, both Ubuntu.

Application: kicad
Version: 5.1.2-f72e74a~84~ubuntu18.04.1, release build
    wxWidgets 3.0.4
    libcurl/7.58.0 OpenSSL/1.1.1 zlib/1.2.11 libidn2/2.0.4 libpsl/0.19.1 (+libidn2/2.0.4) nghttp2/1.30.0 librtmp/2.3
Platform: Linux 4.18.0-24-generic x86_64, 64 bit, Little endian, wxGTK
Build Info:
    wxWidgets: 3.0.4 (wchar_t,wx containers,compatible with 2.8) GTK+ 3.22
    Boost: 1.65.1
    OpenCASCADE Community Edition: 6.9.1
    Curl: 7.58.0
    Compiler: GCC 7.3.0 with C++ ABI 1011

Notice the same change since 5.1 and it is a real pain the rear!!!

Instead of complaining, report it on the bug tracker with details and steps to reproduce. That’s the best way to get it fixed.

I wasn’t sure if this was a bug or not but as someone else is also experiencing the issue I have raised a ticket.


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