"Edit symbol in symbol editor" gone in nightly?

Sorry if I missed anything, but in the current nightly [r15814.ae9662c5c], the option for locally editing a schematic symbol in the right-click menu has gone.
Last version I was using was [r15556.b67f18b39].
Is this a transitory development stage, a bug, or a consequence of the new file format / library management?
I thought I’d ask if anybody is aware of this before filing a possibly irrelevant bug.

Please report it. I also remember using that menu item within a couple of days and now it’s gone. A report doesn’t hurt even if this is something transitional.

In the end I expect the properties dialog and maybe the context menu to have the same items than pcbnew footprints: edit on design, edit in library.

Thanks, I will report it then.

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