Edit properties of multiple similar items

Hello forum,

I´m using KiCad 5.0.2 at Windows 7.
I have to edit some footprints in Footprinteditor (simply resize the drill diameter of all pads). It is very easy to do with a single pin, just hit E and change the setting. But the smallest footprint I have to edit has 36 pins. So I tried to select all to set all at once. Unfortunately I cant get into the properties dialogue anymore. So my question is how to change component properties in a multi selection?


This is one of the weak points of KiCad (in general, changing some properties of many items at once). In the future there will be an “object inspector” a.k.a. property editor which hopefully will be able to do that. Until then it’s possible to use Copy Pad Properties and Paste Pad Properties (from Pads in the context menu), but they change many other properties at the same time.

How many pads do you want to change?
With some handfulls of pads it’s still doable to do it one by one.
Especially if you have a grid that matches your pad spacing you can use the cursor keys to move the mouse pointer. After a few pins you get in a rhythm.

Another option is to use a text editor to edit the library fles.
Full description of the file format is reachable through the KiCad site.

Next step up would be a script. It would not be too difficult to load all properties of pads in a spreadsheet and edit them from there. There are already Python scripts to generate footprints from scripts or from spreadsheet data.

I use one of nightlies versions (from 18.01).
In it I can use right-click at pad and Pads|Copy Pads Properties.
Then select Pads I wont to have the same properties and right-click and Pads|Paste…
If in 5.0.2 it is not possible (I don’t know) it is save now to use last nightly as 5.1 will be very soon.

Thank you for this very quick response.
@eelik Thank you! I was able to set the drill diameter with the Copy Pad Properties. But the settings for thermal spokes and the spacing to cooper plane was not copied with this method. So I had to set it one by one.
@paulvdh Thank you too! I have three footprints with 36 and 48 Pads the settings for cooper plane spacing are in a second tab. Its a mess with or without a matching grid.
But I tried editing the text of the .kicad_mod file. But the settings above are not stored there.
Lastly I´m not nerdy enough to use Scripts.

If you have pads which are identical except for location it’s easier to create one pad with wanted settings and then copy the pad itself. Or better yet, create an array. 36 or 48 pads sounds like they are in some row or grid formation.

Sorry I just found out how it is stored in the text mode. I was able to set my preferences.

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