Edge.Cuts inside the component's edge?

I want to make an Apple-II bus adapter board and there is an opensource component Bus_Apple_II_Card_Side. I need to cut a gap in PCB between contacts 3 and 4. The component has Edge.Cuts layer, and I’ve added my own cuts lines. I wonder will the manufacturing line removes the red part and cut the board’s out perimeter as shown in green?

I do not know what I am looking at in your screenshot.


I see thick and thing green lines (on which layers are those?) and I don’t know on which layer the white line is. In KiCad color is always determined by the layer (except or things in the “objects” category. I also see very dark greenish things through the black. It’s almost as if you tried to paint some of the white lines green.

In KiCad, it is quite simple and straight forward. Lines and arcs on Edge.Cuts must form a single continuous contour. No gaps, no overlaps. In general it is not recommended to put stuff on Edge.Cuts inside the footprint itself, but for edge connectors it still is the most logical option. I have never seen your apple connector. You can use one of the PCI-Express footprints from the default libraries as an example.

Sorry, I was limited by one picture per one message limitation in this forum.

This is a new crop:

  1. The blue hand-made arrow shows the Edge.cut line of the BUS-connector component.
  2. Red drawing is a place where I’ve added my own Edge.cut layer lines.
  3. Green coloured lines on my previous screenshot are my green-highlighting, to show the final board cut when it will be manufactured.

So my original question - will the final board’s edge be like green-highlighted above?

No. You need to edit the footprint to modify the edge cuts the way you want.

Thank you, that was basically my question

I’ve edited Edge.Cuts layer like this:

Do I need to edit other layers (F.Cu, B.Cu etc.)?

Your copper pads 22 & 23 fall outside the edge-cut board. The PCB manufacturer will complain about this. It depends on the manufacturer’s tolerances but you should have no problem to set a clearance of 0.2mm between copper and the edge of the board.

The manufacturer will also complain about the square end of your slot as the cutting tool has non-zero diameter. Make it semicircular.


Yep, thanks for advises!

Did I modify all needed layers?