Edge Cuts in footprint

I read in some posts that editing edge cuts in a footprint is not allowed. I didn’t bother to understand why, but that a workaround was to draw the shape on another layer, then move it to the edge cuts layer.

But how to do that? When I right click on the shape I drew on the Cmts.User layer, properties, the Edge.Cuts layer is not an option in the pull down menu for layer.

I have edge cuts in footprints to show where a hole should be cut in the pcb that the footprint fwill be mounted on. The holes are for the tall components on the module to be soldered. This allows a much thinner pcb assembly.

I could draw the edge cuts on the pcb itself, but then when I move the component, I have to move the edge cuts too.

Maybe there is a better way?

By use of a text editor :wink: (draw on any layer that has nothing else on it, save the footprint, open footprint with text editor, search and replace from the temporary layer to the edge cuts layer, save and finally check the footprint in the footprint editor if ok no more work to do just use the footprint in the usual manner.)


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