Edge connector "edge cuts" problems?

Hi all,
I’m having “edge cut” related errors when i place a connector on (or near) the edge of the PCB.

As a quick test, here’s a basic 2 connector setup (pin to pin) between 2x 10pin connectors.

When the right-angle connector (J2) is placed inside the edge boundary, everything is perfect. (see pics).

When the right-angle connector (J2) is positioned at the edge of the PCB (which is my intended position), there are edge-cut errors (see pics).

What do i need to do to get around these errors?
I know i can can simply un-check the “warnings” box in the DRC check (assuming the warnings are ONLY about the edge boundary).

I realise the courtyard boundary of the (J2) connector is extending over the edge-cut line, so is there something i need to add, to extend the edge-cut boundary to accept the J2 connector at the very edge of the PCB?

Also, will i have trouble with PCB manufacturers rejecting my board due to the boundary errors?

Thanks in advance for your advice.

I just ignore silkscreen outside board errors if they are expected. I made a board like what you depicted. You can tell DRC to ignore these particular ones. The fab will clip the silkscreen anyway so no problems.

Another option is:

  1. Create a project specific library, and put the connector in it.
  2. Update the footprint link in the schematic to point to that new symbol.
  3. Modify the symbol, remove the offending silkscreen lines, or move them to a user or fab layer.
  4. Update the PCB with the modified connector.

You can also just replace the angled connector footprint with a straight connector footprint. The pads are the same. only the silkscreen (courtyard, more?) is different.

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