Hi, I am using the following ecp5 fpga symbol from @devbisme
However, I am pretty sure that ecp5 fpga does not have just this little amount of IO pinouts.
Am I missing something ?
Hi, I am using the following ecp5 fpga symbol from @devbisme
However, I am pretty sure that ecp5 fpga does not have just this little amount of IO pinouts.
Am I missing something ?
place the other banks. This is part A of TBD
You don’t have to use all parts. Place the parts you will be using as needed. You should see a drop down list to choose them. It’s been awhile since I’ve used multi unit parts. You might have to open the part in the editor to see what is where.
Do you notice the letter “A” after the Refdes ( U?)
In KiCad, as with other EDA suites it’s common to divide multi pin IC’s into different units. A TL072 opamp for example, is made out of 2 opamp symbols and a symbol for the power connections, and in KiCad these are called “Units” and numbered with capital letters.
In the symbol library browser you can see a “Unit A” in the top toolbar with a drop down menu to select any of the other units. You can also change this later by hovering over a schematic symbol and press e to edit it’s properties.
Have a look here (sorry easiest link I had available)
A 484 pin FPGA so if this was a single symbol it would be unwieldy on a schematic, so it is broken into parts. For the Igloo2 family it is logical to allocate a symbol per bank
You might benefit from following the beginners tutorial i wrote. Especially the second section of the EEschema tutorial that goes into detail how to use multi unit symbols: Tutorial: Introduction to PCB design with KiCad version 5.1 (Getting Started)
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