Easy reroute in bus routing after clerarance change?

I decided to change clerance from 6 mils to 8 mils . There is an area with bus routing . If i try to drag a track the others don’t shove and track refuses to move because of violations. The only solution is to start moving the boundary tracks and manually increase spacing .Any other easier solution maybe ?

I have noticed some time ago that when there is an error Interactive router isn’t very helpful. I don’t know if it was always or is since some time/version.

May be deleting every other track will help something. Then trying to route it others should be pushed. But I have never tried it.

Dear Piotr

Thank you for the reply . I tried what you said . I tried to reroute the middle bus line and in some points it was succesful . In other areas not .It refused to route .There has to be another more productive way .
Thank you very much once again .

In v9 at least, you can drag or route traces that violate DRC by finishing with cmd+click (or ctrl+click for windows?). That won’t help with shoving traces, but you could go one by one till the issue is resolved. Unfortunately, clearance changes are generally hard to automatically fix when you have many traces that all need to be separated.