Easy access to interactive router mode

Hi everyone,
When in route PCB, normally i switch from one mode to another more frequently than change the gird size. Because on this track i need this feature, and in another i need another rerouting feature. Scpecially when i move components where rerouting are not so smart.
My proposal is allow switch between modes in a direct access icon, on top toolbar or side toolbar
Best Regards

maybe you could use one of the hotkeys:

  • hotkey for open the interactive router dialog
  • hotkey for cycling through the 3 availabe router modes

If you use these often then assign them to convenient buttons.

good idea i will do. Even remain as feature request.

So raise an issue on the GitLab tracker, clearly described as a feature request

Could you explain in few words if in some time you use Shove than why you had to switch it into another mode (I am using only Shove mode). Why/when shoving other tracks disturbs you.

Is hard to explain at this moment. Normally when you move an component, the displacement create a lot of tracks with fails. In this moment i need move the tracks one by one and i dont want turn arounds, or push. Not turn around because kicad try to avoid crash with a track that will be moved. Not push because the track distance is not that i want, or kicad solve in some strange ways or passing thru zones reserved for future tracks (only on my mind).

Sometimes after the movement i have not problem that kicad resolve in their own way some tracks.

I think, I understand.
I simply do not drag (or very rarely) connected footprints so didnā€™t noticed that problem.

I connect separately (out of PCB) group after group (supply, uC with quartz + blocking capacitors, RFID,ā€¦) and then move them onto PCB and make connections between groups. As group of footprints canā€™t be dragged (yet) when I decide to move group (I generally donā€™t consider modifications inside groups) I typically cut it out and then move the whole group and reconnect.
When group drag will be possible I will probably get the same need as you.

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I understand to you.

I usually work with Highlight collisions mode, as this gives me full control over track routing.
Shove mode only when making up some space, to tidy up particular area.
What I donā€™t like about the shove mode, is that any time it can re-route my track in a way I did not intended, even if it was not ā€œnecessaryā€ for performing some operation (kind of it always tries to ā€œoptimizeā€ even if I prefer some routing style over another).
Of course if someone only needs the track to connect Point A and Point B and does not care how the actual track is routed, then itā€™s definitely easier to work all the time in Shove mode.

IMO best for Shove mode would be if the router did only as little modification as necessary to meet the commanded goal (and especially not change routing outside view area; if I work in high zoom which is most of time, I want only local changes to my routing).

You open my eyes. I moved from Protel to KiCad just to have Shove mode so I am using it and never even considered to use Highlight collisions mode.
But I have exactly the same problems as you - KiCad corrects tracks when I donā€™t want it. Sometimes it even not allows me to do them as I want. Till now in all such cases when routing as I want was not possible my solution was to start from the other track end.
I see, next time I will be designing PCB I have certainly to try how it is when working in Highlight collisions mode.

So I mainly work in Higlight mode, and once in a time if I need to move more things around at once, I temporarily switch to Shove, do my job (hoping it will not mess my tracks too much), and get back to safe Highlight mode.
Moreover, I work in Allow collision mode :slight_smile:
And thatā€™s because if I do have more than one segment in collission, I canā€™t fix it otherwise.
The issue being KiCad does not allow me to commit segment if thereā€™s collission away on the track.
So even if I could fix collision moving segments one by one, I canā€™t since KiCadā€™s all-or-nothing approach.

Sad thing is, I end up not using advancements in router technology just because it stands in my way.

I found that when while modifying tracks (in Shove mode) KiCad corrupts track to much Esc key allow to get back and in many cases starting once more, but with cursor in little different position allow to get the effect I want. Also ā€˜/ā€™ hotkey is very useful when in Shove mode.
I canā€™t say that Shove is very frustrating. Just sometimes (specially near pads) KiCad has its own opinion on how it should be done and tries to persuade me to do it his way.
I had never (all the time in Shove) to give up and left something in state I didnā€™t liked.

Yes, much times redrag one track is a fight against the software. Specially when the position desided by me is close to the kicad desition. hehehehe