Easier method to create polygons

I have this deprecated design which I want to redo. This is a part of self panelized PCB. I can make a control panel using only these hexagons. I can tell you I went through a small hell, getting the outer shape. There is no easy way of creating an equally sided polygon. Not that I know of atleast.

The first thing I wanted to do, is to make the outline smaller. That is also the moment that I stopped… I didn’t want to relive certain… ‘inconveniences’. I came here instead

Is there a plugin or something to create polygons?

What I also miss, is the ability to rotate lines and shapes. Being able to rotate lines would solve my problem as well. It would allow me to draw a line of let’s say 20mm either horizontally of vertically and than rotate that line by an angle of choise.

If there is a solution, I would love to hear about it. If not, consider this a feature request.



I’m with you, the drawing/construction tools are more medium. On the other hand - thats not the main task of the kicad-project, so I fully understand the concentration on pcb-relevant features for a pcb-tool.

Advice for complex drawings: take an external mechanical CAD-tool and import the drawing as dxf. (I use QCAD and this combination works well enough for me to get complicated board-outlines, antenna-designs, special footprint/pad-geometries).

What I also miss, is the ability to rotate lines and shapes

help is underway. select the line, RMB-click–>context-menu–>special tools–>Move exactly. If you want a special rotation-center: set the local coordinate origin with “SPACE” to that point.

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Thanx, you are a hero!

I already have a new hexagon!

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