Drill holes too close

Why am I getting a DRC error on all my holes that says drill holes too close. Where do I set this parameter

File -> Board Setup -> Design rules

The absolute minimum for hole to hole should be the diameter of the drill (or sum of radii if 2 different drills are used)

If a 2nd hole is drilled halfway through the side of another hole, it’s almost guaranteed that the drill will break, which will cause *&^%$#@! or more likely, your boards will simply be rejected by your PCB house.

So instead of arbitrarily toying with this number, have a look at your board and what is the root cause of KiCad thinking holes are too close.

Often it is of something like a duplicated pad where 2 of them are exactly on top of each other.

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Or two too close THT parts on the same net, so overlapping pads is OK for DRC but not the holes

these are all standard parts from foot print library and I’m using default settings

KiCAD Version? Screenshot of your settings ? Your design rules ? Your DRC settings ? Make a couple of screenshots, otherwise for what you are showing, it shouldn’t be a problem.

Is it possible you did some kind of block copy and paste (accidentally), and pasted duplicate footprints over the existing ones?

How does it look like if you delete the (one of) the cmponents? Is it “gone” or does another one appear under it?

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I am getting the exact same issues. Yesterday, a similar board - similar design approach from me, same version software, same rules - no issue whatsoever. Yesterday’s board - with no errors - is being fabricated as I’m writing this.

I was thinking I would jst go ahead and try to get it fabbed. Just a bug with the DRC I think.


Not meaning to hijack this thread, but in case this is the same issue as what I’m seeing - maybe a bug?.. - if I delete one of my components, the flag disappears. I don’t seem to have duplicates anywhere.

Duplicated items shouldn’t matter. Two holes at the same location won’t fail DRC (because they won’t break drill-bits).

What version? The OP never said his.

hope this helps

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I was running the same until last week on one PC and have never seen hole spacing DRC errors

Could somebody put up a screenshot of the DRC error log, normally each warning will list a pair of locations

I just tried on 5.1.6rc1 and can only trigger DRC holes too close when pads overlap, as I would expect.

Unfortunately, I have not saved the trouble reports. Additionally, I am suddenly not getting them anymore (no sizable revisions to the board either). No errors whatsoever. Not sure why this has happened.

If this comes back, I’ll make sure to bring more information here right away. Me or the OP.

I’ve also sent the board out tonight, thinking it may just be a fluke. Hopefully, it comes out OK.


I have not been through every one of these, but there does appear to be an error message for every one.

and when I click on one it takes me to that place on the board.

Could someone with that problem just give the file here? It would be million times easier to find out the problem, compared to this back-and-forth question-answer-counterquestion discussion with screenshots which don’t actually reveal the source of the problem.

i’m a new user and the forum will not let me upload a file. Tell me where I can upload it that is convenient for you?


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