DRC warnings with no rear silkscreen

Hi, I am laying out a PCB with silkscreen only on the front of the board.
However I am getting DRC errors saying that there is an overlap between the solder mask and silk screen for components on the rear of the board.

I can clear the errors but it means changing my board setup to have a rear silkscreen, moving the offending items then removing the rear silkscreen from the board setup again.

I would rather that warnings were not generated about a layer which does not appear on my board.

I am using Version 8.0.5

Thanks Peter

(Can I just add that I LOVE KiCAD. it is a very capable and easy to use bit of software. Well done to the developers)

If KiCad still shows DRC violations for layers which are disabled in the board setup, then it smells like a bug in KiCad and the best action is to report it on gitlab.

Hi, Thanks for the reply. I thought it might be a bug. However, I have not used KiCAD for a long time and didn’t want to report a bug if there was just a simple setting I had overlooked.

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