DRC/Pcbnew does not report "hanging" routes

Version 5.1.4-1
I have a layout in Pcbnew and accidentally left a copper trace “hanging”. I am not missing any connections–this was just a small piece of trace left behind after moving a footrprint.

The DRC check does not report any errors. In principle this will not cause an error in the physical board so this is not surprising, however I would expect that it is something one would want to be aware of and remove the trace.

Not sure if there is a DRC option somewhere to check for hanging wires?


This is provided for but not the DRC.


That seems too invasive to my taste.
I’d prefer something like “Highlight (…)” as an option. I want to be aware of these, but would feel better if I was the one pulling the trigger.


Ha—not where I would expect it but great that they address this issue. As I mention I suppose having little track scraps is not entirely a DRC violation so I suppose they didn’t put it there.

Thanks for the help

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Yeah. A preview would be nice.

See this (for 5.99): https://gitlab.com/kicad/code/kicad/issues/3775#note_273656893

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