DRC error overriding

EFM8B331_D.kicad_pcb|attachment (190.7 KB)

how can I turn off some of these. Specifically, the highlighted error. This is by design, the idea is to connect pin 1 of the uncommitted switch to the square pad so that it can be wired wherever.
In addition, the flock of arrows in the upper left, are “pads to close to pads”
they are meant to be prototype areas for soldering smt parts, and allowing for soldering blue wires to them.

[===] [===] << pads for component
|| ||
[===] [===] <<< Pads to solder wires to.
DRC is failing on these.

Will this cause a PCB board house to reject the board?

I have attached the pcb file and a jpeg screen capture.

I would make a custom SMT part for the top left corner.
Start by making a copy of an SMT resistor of the size you like, and then give both pads the same pin number. Then add a 3rd SMD pin, at the location of the connecting wire, and give that pin also the same pin number.
As long as the pin numbers for the pads are the same, KiCad will treat it as a single “complex” pad and it will not generate DRC errors.
Note your push button SW1, which also had pads with the same number.

Aternatively / more neatly: Since KiCad V5 you can also add custom graphics to pads, but i can’t quite remember how that works.

Are you aware there are “solder jumper” components in the KiCad libraries?

If you send Gerber files to a Board house then the board will not be rejected, simple because infromation like that is not embedded in the Gerber files.

Your screenshot looks like the board is made without schematic. Which means DRC will not work as it relies on the connectivity information that you get from the schematic.

To reinforce what @Rene_Poschl mentioned, KiCAD is a strongly schematic-driven tool. I would highly recommend creating a schematic that represents the circuit you’re creating. A difficult task for many people new to KiCAD is creating symbols. Just come back here and ask more questions if you have any problems.

The board was made with a schematic. AFTER the routing, and tweaking of the routing, I realized that I had a ton of unused board space, so I decided to plop down some SMT footprints with extra solder pads. So I laid out a flexible regulator, and filled the spaces with smt footprints. The schematic passed DRC rules before I started adding components into the blank spaces.
I just put them where I wanted in blank spaces.

Yes, and I used several of them. Specifically a 3 way jumper on the 3.3v line, so it can be powered directly off a 3.3v external supply, or it can be run off the REG 710 if it is populated. There is also a bridged solder jumper that can be cut.
I re-did the resistor pads and still got errors.
i renumbered them like this:
pad to close >> [=1=] [=2=]
|| ||
[=1=] [=2=] << pad to close
Now there are only two errors per pad

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