DRC error in layout module Kicad 8.0.1

There is 8.0.1 in title while I am still in 7.0.11 so I didn’t even opened this thread.
I am starting to read from beginning to find what is expected from me :slight_smile:

Politely asked for, certainly, not expected. :slightly_smiling_face:

I was always very slow in reading (but very accurate). Once I was siting on the back sit in car next to 9 years old boy who was reading Jules Verne’s Mysterious Island. Trying to read together with him I had to give up noticing that I am reading 6 times slower then he.

Could you write what I shell read.

In first post photo I see vias at both zone parts in question so I can assume they are connected to GND fill at bottom so the whole problem may be is not existing.

Only in post 6#. The text in the screenshots.

I agree that translation is wrong.
‘Missing connection’ was translated into ‘wrong connection’ (whatever it could mean).

As EeliK mentions, the sixth post from the top.

The lower circled item is in English. The upper comment is supposed to be the Polish translation.
Would you comment on the accuacy of the translation, and, if incorrect, would you comment on what should be written in Polish, please.

Would you suggest the correct translation please?
This needs to be reported as a bug.

“Brak połączenia pomiędzy elementami:”

I bolded the letter to be changed together with first word be changed.
‘Brak połączenia’ directly means ‘Lack of connection’.
Directly translating ‘Missing connection’ would be ‘Brakujące połączenie’ but sounds worse for me.

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Just change it in Weblate

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Oh, yet another learning curve.

Reading the thread…
It is not important but what Tomasz wrote (post 6):

is closer translation from Polish ‘Nieprawidłowe’ than my ‘wrong connection’.

I’ve been up the new learning curve.

This is now what is in the Polish translation.
Is this OK, @Piotr?


Thanks, all done.

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For me it is perfect as it is how I have written it :wink:
In screen shots there are ‘:’ at text ends. Opening link given by dsa-t shows the text without colon.
I don’t know if it is added then by software or have to be in text.

Miss is the difficult word having different translations into Polish depending on context.
When I took my university entrance exams I got 5 (the highest possible note) from 4 exams (mathematics tasks, mathematics tests, physics tasks, physics tests) and I only got a 4 in my English exam.
You had to write a story about: “Mr Smith missed the train. What could have happened?”
And even being taught English for 4 years in primary school, and 4 years in secondary school I didn’t know the word ‘miss’. Thinking what Mr Smith could be doing with this train I assumed that may be he was jumping to the train so my story begun from “The strange accident could have happened.” Now using Google I see that I used ‘strange’ when thinking rather ‘terrible’.
“Mr Smith missed the train.” = “Pan Smith spóźnił się na pociąg” and translation has nothing common with missed connections :slight_smile:
And one more when another word have to be used: “You missed the target” = “Nie trafiłeś w tarczę”.

Thank you for improving the translation - the old one was really bad.


All I did was replace the first word with Brak and the e with an a in the second word. I changed nothing else. I did not add punctuation.

Thankyou for your help with the translation improvement. :+1:

I suppose (not checking now in screen shots) the problem is different. I think that there are elements with GND pads on the area you marked with ‘NOGND’ so for KiCad that area is not unconnected island but also GND.
If it is so then for KiCad the only problem is that GND net is divided into 2 not connected parts so you should get an Error about missing connection. Showing missing connection KiCad finds the nearest points to be connected (not looking at which layer they are).
I work with KiCad permanently set to English. It helps to learn all terms making then writing and reading here easier. Making screen shots also is easier when you need not to change language each time.

I looked at it. There’s no bug in KiCad and it works as expected. The only problem in KiCad is the translation. It’s a serious translation error, it’s good it can now be fixed.

But what you have done in this thread is confusing. First you show a screenshot with no errors:


Then you show a screenshot with errors, and it actually marks the missing connection as error, just what you wanted (but there are two overlapping dialog screenshots):


Under it you explain:

OK, I think I understand. You were mislead by the erroneous translation. But you noticed that KiCad actually finds the missing connection. Then you say:

No, it’s not a bug. This was explained several times by several people. To say it again, in different words:

It’s logically impossible to make this error message to behave so that it guesses always correctly where the actual problem is. It can only tell that all parts of a net aren’t all connected together.

It just chooses by some algorithm or heuristics two locations or items so that connecting them in some way would make the non-connection go away. Look at this screenshot:

You can see that KiCad shows the missing connections with a ratsnest line. It just can’t tell you how the connection should actually be made. It can’t know or guess you moved one item which broke the connection somewhere. You have to find the solution yourself. Here KiCad shows two parts of the net which happen to be both in the F.Cu layer, quite near to each other.

What KiCad sees here is a net which has been split into two parts (that much should be clear even from your “manga”). But it doesn’t matter at all that the parts exist in several layers. Both F.Cu parts of that net go through the board to the B.Cu layer. Because everything in the B layer’s GND net is connected to F layer, making the connection in the F layer (if it would be practically possible) would connect everything in the B layer together, too. On the other hand, creating the connection in the B layer would connect everything together in the F layer, too. KiCad just can’t know what’s the best way to make the connection. As somebody said, the crystal ball module of KiCad isn’t ready yet. It can’t read your mind and intentions and doesn’t “understand” the design.

So, I was partly wrong in my speculation. The solution to your problem is to always keep showing missing connections as error, not a warning, and especially not hiding or ignoring it. If you feel need to hide it you really should find another way to do the schematic (not just the layout!). Or at least you should exclude only specific message lines from the message view (it can be done from the context menu in the DRC dialog).

There’s also something which could be enhanced in KiCad, namely how missing connections is reported. I have suggested a message like “Net A is split into n parts: pad x and 11 other items; pad y; …”. The current two-line “Zone… Zone” isn’t really very useful, especially when the net is split into several parts where each part is reported separately.


You’re right - you explained to me exactly how drc works in this specific case - a little explanation about my screenshots - I first showed the case when there is no error report (although there should be one - but it was explained - I didn’t set it due to incorrect translation), the second the screenshot was supposed to show that drc reports an error as I should, but not in the place where the break in the circuit actually occurred (the via was placed too close to the edge of the area, which, combined with the specified spacing value, resulted in the break in the ground circuit). I already understand that, at least when using kicad, I have to carefully look for the place of the break myself, drc will not show it to me.
Thank you once again for explaining what my mistake was and for confirming the wrong translation.


And this may help:
Ratsnest thickness - #3 by TheSwede

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