DRC custom design rule question (again)

On one of my boards, I have a MSOP10 that needs 0,2mm inter-pad clearance. I do not want to set my entire board that low, so I drew a rule area named ‘clearance_ok’ on F.Cu, enclosing the area of interest and wrote a DRC rule:

#ignore clearance violations in rule area(s) ‘clearance_ok’
(rule allow_clearance_violation
(constraint clearance (min -1mm))
(condition “A.insideArea(‘clearance_ok’)”))

The mechanism works for other errors like silkscreen clearance, but not for this case.

@JeffYoung Is it that the general minimum clearance cannot be overruled by a custom rule?

Correct. That’s the one auto-generated rule that cannot be overridden.

You can leave the board clearance at 0 and have 2 rules. For instance:

(rule std_clearance
    (constraint clearance (min 0.5mm)))
(rule MSOP10
    (constraint clearance (min 0.2mm))
    (condition "A.insideArea('MSOP10')"))

@JeffYoung Yeah, sure, thx. sigh
How about text substitution in rules so one could have their own specific constraint or whatever parameters and use them in generalized rules?
Just dreaming…

There’s actually already a feature request for that:

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That looks, well, huge.
Maybe simple text variables substitution as a first step?

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