DRAWSEGMENT on copper?

I’ve learned that DRAWSEGMENTs can be on any layer, including copper. However, a copper DRAWSEGMENT does not have a Net associated with it. Does a copper DRAWSEGMENT cause any problems?

type.h indicates that PCB_LINE_T is “< class DRAWSEGMENT, a segment not on copper layers”.

In the 5.1.5 version of KiCAD, you can change the layer of a DRAWSEGMENT to a copper layer. How is this handled in KiCAD for LVS, DRC and Gerber file generation?

I believe it’s treated as copper drawing, like text or imported image. DRC clearance rules apply, maybe some others I haven’t run into.
And as always, don’t trust comments, they may have been true when written, not necessarily years later when codebase has evolved.

They can even be false when written. Example: the contributor misremembers something (happens to me all the time), the contributor works on a different version of kicad and has forgotten the peculiarities of some other version, the contributor is on the very beginning of the danning kruger curve and thinks they know more than they actually know, and many more :wink:

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