Draw non-plated TH holes for Tag-Connect in Footprint

I’m trying to draw a footprint for TC2050-IDC (a Tag-Connect that has four bigger non-plated holes for the plastic legs to latch, and three small non-plated holes for three alignment pins). The ten contact pads can be treated as SMD pads which is straightforward. The problem are the outer 4+3=7 non-plated holes. The spacing between the non-plated holes and the closest SMD contact pads can be 0.015in or less so I really have to keep these outer holes non-plated (no copper around the holes!). There are no allowance for adding small TH copper pads around the holes.

In the footprint editor, I set pad type to “NPTH, Mechanical” and the pad diameter to be 0in. I got the error that says “Pad must have a positive size”.

  1. Can I set both the pad and the hole to the same diameter or will I run into issues later on? And should I set the Copper Layers to “None”

  2. Or is there a better way to that in Footprint in KiCAD v8?

I like to do the hole thing in one footprint and avoid doing a separate drill files in the PCB and align the two separately.

KiCad version 8.0.2

That is what I have, I don’t use the version with the latching legs so don’t have 7 mechanical holes just three . . .


my three mechanical holes are specified like this . . .

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KiCad’s standard ‘Connector’ library contains several Tag-Connect footprints, including the TC2050-IDC-FP.

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I never even thought to look, mine came over from a Solidworks PCB Project so I simply saved it out to a personal library. Thanks for the reminder . . .

Thanks for sharing! Shouldn’t or do you suggest I set the copper layer to “None” to make sure there won’t be any copper padding at all?

I think either will work just fine, a pad of 1mm and hole of 1mm in a non plated through hole will result in no copper.

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