Drag & Rotate (again)

Long ago I think 6 or 12 month ago I was mentioning the “Drag” (component stays connected with wires while moving) and activating the “Rotate” command was working good in the schematics, but not in the PCB editor. And it’s still the same – why is this different between schematics and PCB?

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Because every day has only 24 hours. And the programmers decided to spend this time for the following activities:

  • 3 hours answering on gitlab
  • 1 hour discussion about pizza choice
  • 1hour phone call to pizza service
  • 2 hours eating & drinking
  • 4 hours swimming & surfing
  • 2 hours watching tv
  • 3 hours homeimprovement
  • 1 hour doing nothing (important for personal health)
  • 7 hours watching youtube tutorials: How to program a cool CAD-system
  • 1 hour programming the new v6-features: especially new icons

But you are right, they could use some time of the night to get more features ready.

If you look at gitlab you will find your old issue PNS: Implement component rotation while dragging (#9672) · Issues · KiCad / KiCad Source Code / kicad · GitLab still open and assigned to the next main Kicad-version. But it all depends on manpower - and there are 1492 other issues also open at the moment.
I think you need more patience.


Oh, that explains a lot…

Mhhh… ok, not 1 full hour

:slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile:


Grand total of hours listed = 25, so, obviously, workload boundaries are being pushed harder than ever. :sweat_smile: :sweat_smile: :sweat_smile:

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I like your clock arithmetic. Tell me; how many days are in a week? :laughing:

And most important: You did not mention what was the decision on pizza?

My apologies for asking and for my bad patience. Will try to avoid to ask stupid questions again.

No need to apologize. You have the right to ask and you were not disrespectful.
Developers are touchy at times…

I knew it, the devs are Martians. :wink:

Well, actually since 1 Martian day = 24.5 earth hours, they are still overworking. :upside_down_face: Did you know that NASA scientists have to keep track of Sols? Sol (day on Mars) - Wikipedia

Why? … For CAD developers?.. Something to do with pizza service phone answering equipment?

You might get your pizza at the wrong time if you order it from Mars. :crazy_face:

Hey, thats what my colleagues call homeoffice, but they get paid… :rofl:

If you live in a country where the pepperoni is sliced thick so the edges curl up and burn just a little, then: pepperoni and black olives.

If you live in a country (like Ireland) where the pepperoni is sliced thin and just sits there limp on your pizza, then: mushrooms.

And finally, if you live in California, then BBQ chicken and Thai chicken are always valid choices…

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This thread is funny, but here’s a serious answer:

These two things (drag and rotate in the schematic editor vs the PCB editor) have nothing to do with each other besides the concept. The editing tools for schematic symbols and wires are very different from the tools for routing traces and dragging them after placement (the push and shove router). There is no way to share code between them, so there is no relationship between when one editor changes in this area and the other does.

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Thanks craftyjon. This means it’s forever impossible to include the same function (rotate while using the drag command) in the PCB editor?

No, just means it will be a completely different implementation. (One that hasn’t yet been written.)


Thanks Jeff, let’s jump into it! Oh no—once again that bad patience jumped up and showed its ugly face :wink:

You’re almost right, but in my case it’s trying to find the 1 hour to fix my pizza oven.

PS. Anybody here has an idea for a reliable mechanical support for a J/K type thermocouple working at 400-450 degree Celsius? I thought about borosilicate glass (must be insulating).


ceramic? find a local pottery studio maybe

I do not know if this discussion is serious. But in USA we can buy drill bits for concrete or ceramic, and we can buy small inexpensive ceramic tiles. You might want to have a few because I would guess that a thin tile might tend to break when you drill through it. Not so long ago I drilled a hole in a concrete roof tile. That roof tile is sort of large but they can also be sawn. The dust created makes that a somewhat nasty operation which I think damaged my circular saw.


Nothing wrong with Aliexpress for these sort of items.

Type in “K type thermocouple probe” and select… ceramic housed, naked, metal housed, with and without threads.

A veritable plethora of stuff awaits you starting at US$ 2.50 including post… cheap at half the price!