Drag corners of lines with keyboard

Is there a way to select and drag the corner of a line with the keyboard only (no mouse)?.. you can move or duplicate objects but I can’t find anyway to drag or stretch a line end or corner using only the keyboard.

If this isn’t implemented, could we get this added in. It would help my wrist when doing precision changes to alignment of edge layers and the like.


It’s not dragging but you can press E on edge cut elements and modify coordinates. You don’t even have to calculate things yourself, if you want to nudge something to the right by 2mm just add +2 to X and press OK. KiCad will calculate the result of the expression automatically.
For example if current coordinate is 42 edit the field to make it “42+2” and it will become 44 when you save changes.
This way you can make precision adjustments without using mouse.


Better than nothing. Still would be nice to do this graphically. I didn’t realize the boxes could do math though. That’s a nice feature.


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