Download of Digi-Key KiCad Libraries

I am trying to download the Digi-Key KiCad libraries from GitHub, but it’s not working for me. My KiCad V5.0.0 is on my Ubuntu 18.04.1 LTS OS. At present I am only interested in the symbol libraries as I am working on a schematic diagram in Eeschema. I have used the terminal commands to make a directory where I want the symbol library to go and then did a ‘cp’ command to try to copy the files over. However, file name is different because I tried “…/digikey-kicad-library/digikey-symbols” but when I tried the zip file transfer the file name is “digikey-kicad-library-master”. I unzipped the zipped file and tried to copy the symbol files over to my directory and that wouln’t work either. What is specific method (with terminal commands) to accomplish what I want?

what do you mean with that? what was the result vs what did you expect?

Another operator error. I reread the instructions on how the Linux (Ubuntu) copy command ‘cp’ works. When I implemented it correctly the symbol files transferred over correctly.

The Digikey Symbol libraries are pretty good, and contain many extra fields of information, but seem to be lacking the same quality control as the current KLC compliant V5 libraries.

All this means is that I suggest anyone double checks the information against the DataSheet, and also double check the Footprint Pad numbers match the Symbol Pin numbers.

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