Does KiCad support callouts/leaders with text?

Wondering if there is a way to draw a callout (annotation) on a schematic and/or pcb. What I mean by a callout is a line (with an optional arrowhead) and some attached text. As the control point(s) for the line are moved, the text moves.

In the board editor, yes. Leaders are one of the supported dimensions - see the dimension documentation below.

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Thank you for the feedback. That is good to know. It would be great if this feature was available for schematics as well.

The current method in the schematic editor is to just write a textstring and manually draw a nice graphical line. As this works well enough for me (and naturally this is the only opinion which matters) I don’t see a urgent need for a leader feature.

However, different users - different needs, and so we have currently two gitlab issues open targeting this feature:

Upvote a issue if you find the useful.

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Thanks for those links. I voted!

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