Documentation on schematic snapping in 8.0

Hello All,
I generally put a lot of documentation in my schematics using text, drawing and images. I’ve noticed that version 8 has some really odd behavior and I’m wondering if this is a bug or someone’s crazy idea of a feature. The issue I’m having is that text and drawing to not follow the grid snap and I can’t find any options to make them snap to the grid. Very painful for my OCD and need for organization :slight_smile: Any pointers would be great!

KiCad V8 has a vastly improved grid system. You can set different grids for different sets of items. I guess your grid for text is set to a finer scale. More info in the documentation (Why is that hard to find? It’s also in the Schematic Editor, directly in the help menu.)

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Create all the grids you want/need for the Schematic using the controls at the bottom of the red rectangle (red arrow). Choose a useful setting from that Grids list for the items listed in the yellow rectangle (click on small triangle to expand for selection).
Symbol Editor is identical.
Footprint and PCB editors are similar.