Do you support mirror text in schematics?

Hi everyone!

This is Ana from the support team at SnapEDA.

It was recently reported to us that the text of some of our symbols are being mirrored when placed in the schematic. However, upon investigating our team found that in this documentation it mentions that mirrored text is allowed. Kindly check the image below for reference:

Could you please help us clarify if you support mirror text so we can update our models accordingly?

Looking forward to your response.

Knowledgeable members are worth a hail?

Hi Ana

Mirror text is allowed in the PCB editor and footprints but not in the Schematic editor or symbols


There was a recent thread about it on this forum:

Which also links to an issue created a bit earlier on gitlab:

KiCad can mirror schematic symbols (on both X and Y axis) but it keeps the text in the normal reading direction when doing so.


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