As I want to do some Spice and I suppose there were some progress V7->V8 I decided to install V8. I took yesterdays Test version assuming it should have less bugs than 8.0.2 version.
To have everything ‘in order’ I then opened about 75 my old projects to save them as V8.
With some of them I noticed the problem - when opening PCB I see something like that:
Have you meat such problem opening V7 files in V8?
More details and example project having this problem - I have reported it:
Was it wrong decision to take last Test version?
Should I expect not having this problem if I install 8.0.2?
It looks that ‘for safety’ it would be better to make this 75 conversions once more in some time in the future.
I am not sure what I am looking at.
I know that you are both very precise and peculiar with you library setup.
I assume you problem is with all those texts. Is it possible those texts are on a layer you have normally disabled? I assume you have backups, and the differences are easy to verify. Posting a screenshot of the older version is also nice for us to see the difference.
This are texts from footprint ‘Description:’ box. I have never seen them at PCB.
Problem seems being only with designs started with V7. The olders and converted to V7 don’t have it.
I am now installing 8.0.2 and will check how with it.
But as I use 3 separate configurations and don’t want to have to big mess it will take some time as I setup these configurations once more from beginning.
I don’t think so.
To make bug report I had temporarily here the second PC with V7 installed, but I don’t have it here now. At my working PC I decided (to avoid mess) to have only one version at a time.
In bug report I showed V7 view of project and Fab layer (exact part dimensions) is visible there so couldn’t be disabled.
In footprints I have never added any text at F.Fab layer.
As I have KiCad at the other PC than I am writing untill I don’t have to I avoid showing screen-shots as it needs transferring them through pendrive.
Now using 8.0.2 I opened MATCH4 footprint that you see at Prot_2306 project.
At F.Fab I see:
lines showing exact connector dimensions
text “MATCH4”
Unfortunately that text exists 3 times in footprint.
It is ‘Value’. But Value I always had at F.Courtyard layer and I see it at that layer (but I don’t see in ‘Footprint Properties’ the information that Reference and Value are at F.Courtyard layer).
It is ‘Footprint’ (among Fields), but it has ‘Show’ checkbox unchecked.
It is ‘Footprint name’.
This text at F.Fab changes when I change ‘Footprint’ filed and not changes when I change ‘Footprint name:’ field. So what I see in footprint editor is ‘Footprint’ field but I should not see it as it has ‘Show’ unchecked.
The other conclusion is ‘Footprint’ and ‘Footprint name’ are separate things.
When I switch on/off F.Fab visibility the lines (1.) and text (2.) visibilty is changed - OK.
But when having F.Fab selected I change Layer Display Options to Hide I would expect to see all what is at F.Fab, but I see only 1. (lines). This text is not shown. It must be understood being not F.Fab or its ‘Show’ flag is considered when I change ‘Layer Display Option’.
But when I switch beck to ‘Normal’ this text is back. So during that change its ‘Show’ is not used.
But text “Micro Match 4 pin” you see at Prot_2306 is footprint ‘Description’ (not among Fields) and I don’t see it when in Footprint Editor. But you see it at PCB.
But there are second ‘Description’ there - among Fields. This description is empty and has ‘Show’ off.
So as it is empty and not Shown I don’t care with it. I prefer to not make problem bigger by editing this field.
So what you see at PCB is not ‘Description’ from Fields as it is empty, but ‘Description’ just before ‘Keywords’. This ‘Description’ don’t have ‘Show’ flag so what decides that I don’t see it in Footprint editor, but it is shown at PCB and where is decided that it is at F.Fab layer.
It looks like a big mess for me.
I think I will do what I need with Spice using V8 and then as the results should make me decide what changes I want to do in PCBs I think I will get back with everything to yesterday morning state (= V7) and use V7 to modify PCBs.
Just before going home for dinner I sow at my bug report new information about, I understand, some global flag. I don’t know if such flags are project related, or may be the global configuration. I will check later (don’t have kiCad here), but write it as may be you want to check something.
I think I understand everything (except Doppler effect for light while light speed is the same for any observer ).
My V5, V6 designs upgraded to V7 had ‘Hidden text’ visibility switched off while my V7 designs had it switched on and I didn’t noticed that difference. Why it was so - I don’t know. Never pointed at it any attention.
Then in V7 footprint at PCB has only reference and value from schematic and they are typically set their ‘Show’ flag to on. So practically there are no hidden texts at V7 PCB. So state of ‘Hidden text’ visibility has no (or little) effect how V7 PCB looks like.
I think Description texts (taken from schematic symbols to PCB footprints) that are suddenly shown in V8 are probably already in V7 PCB as after opening it in V8 I didn’t run ‘Update PCB from schematic’. So they are there, but are not shown even when 'Hidden text visibility is ‘on’. And V8 behaves differently as they are now shown what made me being very confused as I was sure that PCB with the same settings opened in V7 and V8 will certainly look the same. So seeing lot of garbage that I have never seen at PCB I assumed something wrong V8 made to my PCBs.
We can not exclude that in the process of upgrading whole PCB from V7 to V8 lacking texts are quietly (not asking/informing user) taken from schematic so Description texts are not in V8 PCB. You can probably check it looking inside PCB files but I do not want to.