Discussion of "Part Number" custom field workflow: field visibility, general ergonomics

So, I’m attempting to add a “Part Number” field to each symbol in my schematic.

I want to use the Symbol Fields Table to do it as it is a lot easier for this purpose.

So, here’s how my capacitor looks before I begin:

Then I go into Symbol Fields Table and add a field “Part Number” with the little plus button:

Alright, that works. But then I go and add a value to C3, say 1234:

Click OK and now the text has rendered on top of C3… ew.

I can get rid of it by unchecking “show” in properties dialog:

However then I need to do this for every symbol…

Is there a way around this? To add a “Part Number” field to every symbol using the Symbol Fields Table, but have it not render by default?

I found a not-too-painful way of doing this. Use “Edit>Edit Text and Graphic Properties” tool.


Scope: Other Symbol Fields
Filters: Filter fields by name “Part Number”
Set to: invisible (uncheck “Visible” box)

Then hit OK

It’s a little clunky though, I’d like it if there were a checkbox “visible” in Add Field prompt in Symbol Fields Table in my second screenshot. Or even a button to open a pop-up window to select whole style: bold, italic, font, color.

Take note of your Symbol Fields Table you show above. The third column is “Show”. Un-tick boxes in this column to hide information.

That was my first thought as well, but that is for whether the field is displayed on table on the table on the panel on the right, and for whether it goes out into BoM export. Doesn’t affect visibility on the sheet as far as I can tell. That could be made clearer though.

Then I have a follow-up problem: New symbols do not have the field added in Symbol Fields Table. I add C8:

Then open Symbol Properties:

And it doesn’t have “Part Number” field.

Seems that Symbol Fields Table just adds the new field to every existing symbol, but only as if one had gone and make each addition individually. There’s no indication that “I want this field on every symbol for all time on this sheet”.

Seems like I’m wanting a sort of “database schema” for the symbols. Devs have probably considered this before. I wonder if it was a bad idea or just no one had time + will to implement.

Edit > Edit Text and Graphic Properties then in Scope tick “other symbol fields”, finally in Set to, un-tick Visible then Apply and OK.

The appropriate field still remains in Properties and the Symbol Field Table, just doesn’t show on the Schematic.

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That worked for me, thanks for the help.

Database library is available already, some docs are here: | | | Documentation | KiCad (though they reference the nightly version) but you can also just search the forum for examples/walkthrough.

That being said, you may alternatively be looking for Field Name Templates that are added to every symbol as you place it.

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Two very cool features I didn’t know about! Thanks @scone.

Is there a way around this? To add a “Part Number” field to every symbol using the Symbol Fields Table, but have it not render by default?

You have not mentioned the used kicad version, which makes it harder to give a good answer.

I guess you are using kicad v9.0.0. and the mentioned behaviour (always set new fields to “visible”) was a bug. It was fixed 2 weeks agoand the bugfix should be incorporated in the upcoming version v9.0.1. (gitlab: New symbol fields are default visible when added from BOM tool (#20212) · Issues · KiCad / KiCad Source Code / kicad · GitLab)
If you want you may install one of the daily build “testing” versions, which already have this fix.


You’re right, I am on 9.0.0. Sorry for not including that.

Thanks, good to know I won’t need to use the “Edit Text and Graphic Properties” tool method for long.

So much good information less than 24hrs after I posted, I’m impressed by how active and helpful this forum is.

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