Is this category needed any more? Isn’t it for a dinosaur version of KiCad? Once in a while somebody chooses this category. I bet they don’t know what it means. In fact I suspect most people have no idea what it’s for. Should we close it to new posts, retaining old posts of course?
I am no software expert but this sounds good to me. If we think about this forum as being a sort of “help” then the terms here should align with those in the software.
My easy poster child for this issue is LTSpice. The dialog box for defining some models in LTSpice includes fields that are clearly labeled “Spiceline.” But if you search for “Spiceline” in LTSpice help, it is nowhere to be found. That is not HELPful.
I remember “CvPCB” because I started with KiCad in (I think) 2015. But for a newbie most likely to need help, what is that?
I think deprecating it but not removing it might be preferable. Just to cover obscure situations eg nonstandard/ bespoke footprints or unique layout options say