Differential pairs

I’m routing a huge board with a lot of differential pairs. Of course, I have to move some pairs. Is it possible to drag differential pairs as single lines ?
Best regards,

As long as you have not length-matched a pair (i.e. there are no meanders), you can drag them.
Length-matched with meanders: no.
I’m talking 6.99 here.

It all depends on the type of pair.

I have built the last 6.99 and I obtain the same result. When I try to drag a differential pair (without length-matched), only one of lines is dragged…

Version: (6.99.0-3870-gd47752ad75), release build
Uploading: kicad_diff.png…

I have tried all possibilities, only one of the lines is dragged. How can I drag a differential pair in this simple case ?

Best regards,


Nobody ? (I don’t understand why I cannot upload a very tiny screenshoot with only two connectors and a single differential line between them).

I have found a video on youtube where a differential pair is dragged, but there is not explanation. On schematic, both lines are V+ and V-. On PCB, I use ‘6’ (route differential pair) to route V+ and V-. I can start routing, but I cannot finish this line (I have tried ‘end’, F and some other options without any success). And I cannot drag this differential pair if I want to displace this pair. Is there somewhere a tutorial ? There is no information in official documentation.

Best regards,


It’s a known issue and we hope we’ll fix it in the upcoming V7 release.


Hoping the fix will come sometime this year.

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