Differential Pairs (Custom Rules)

Hi: I checked a lot of examples about routing differential pairs in KiCad but now I am using KiCad 7 and find it hard to define “layer” in custom rule. Look at the picture: If I use F.Cu or B.Cu there is no error, but when I write a specific inner layer like ln2.Cu or ln3.Cu or ln4.Cu … gives me compilation error. Only works if I write “layer inner” but obviously I want to select different diff.pairs parameters for different layers! Could anyone tell me how to solve this?
I also tried the condition A.Layer == ‘ln3.Cu’ … but still Not working.
Thank you!

First, are those layers actually enabled?

Second, watch your spelling, between i and I and l and L
When zooming in, the first letter of “ln.Cu” looks like the first letter of layer, while it should be a captial i, not an L.

Linux uses a bit different font:

Copied as textt:



Along with Paul’s advice, I’d recommend upgrading to v8 too. There are various fixes in (or coming in the next minor version) for that kind of thing.

Thanks! It works now …

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