Differential Pair


I’m new to Kicad and I’m trying to use the differential pair in Kicad pcbnew.
At first I received an error message that was resolved by setting a new clearence value.
Now, when an attempt to start a differential pair, my pad goes highlighted, but the track does not appear.

I just renamed two resistors using + and - to see if the problem was with my IC, but it did not work as can be seen in the attached image.

Do you left-click and release the button?
Have you renamed the CC+ and CC- nets in the schematic, generated a new netlist and re-read the netlist?

I change the “Trace Gap” in “Differential Pair DImensions” to a lower value and it worked.
My Trace gap was a little bit high, not allowing the KiCad to make the trace.

Thanks the reply.

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