Does anyone know if it is possible to define the differential pair via the symbol, instead of having to add the N/P or +/- suffixes to a manually placed net name?
I tried to change the pin name to Pin_P and Pin_N, but that appears to create net names such as “Net-(J1-Pin_N)” and “Net-(J1-Pin_P)” which does not appear to work.
So the question is if there is some new way to define diff pairs that I may have missed that could help aid this instead of having to “manually” naming all the nets in the schematic?
AFAIK you need to label the nets in the schematic.
You could try abusing hidden power input pins: make your symbol’s diff pair pins hidden power inputs, which will make those pins act like global labels and drive their pin names onto the net. They are global labels so each symbol would need a unique set of names.
But as I said that’s an abuse of a feature that’s already pretty questionable. I would just label the nets.
Hmm, yeah, that could probably “work”, but does not really satisfy my goal with just having a two pin component to put in one end of a diff pair and also avoid the need to manually add two net labels