Different widths on same track

Good evening (o;

Have a simple PCB design here involving several Triacs where the middle pin is the AC mains input.

Now I want to lay a track between those pins where the width is smaller towards the pad, but thicker in the middle. I can change the width during layout:

But when I connect the track to the next pad, the whole track gets the width reverted.

I could only post one image as a new user…but I am a KiCAD support since a while (o;

Is there a setting in KiCAD to prevent this?

At least this was possible decades ago with OrCAD PCB386 (yeah, I’m old ;o).

Have to be.
I am freely changing track width always since I started to use KiCad in 2017 and never noticed KiCad to change my track width against my will.
I just in Board Setup - Design Rules - Pre-defined Sizes have track width set (0.2,0.25,0.4,0.5,0.7,1,1.3,2) and when routing track using hotkeys W and Shift+W change width whenever I need (or by selecting from list (top-left of screen).

I am telling about all versions from V4 to V8.
If your problem is new when you moved to V9 (you didn’t told it) than my answer has nothing to it and I only lost some time writing.

Well I just recently upgraded to version 9…used version 8 before but never had a need for changing track widths until now…

Gonna do some further tests tomorrow…already late here in .ch (o;

This is very odd…

Tried now on a Macbook Air with KiCAD 9.0, and here it worked…

Same predefined track widths with 2mm and 3mm as on my Mac Studio.

Not sure what this button in the menu does as it can’t be changed:

Bildschirmfoto 2025-02-28 um 19.39.22

Odd…behaves not always the same as in this screen capture…

Two times the tracks were made exactly the same…one time it is okay, next time it revert back to the starting width:

It may be a matter of habit.
Most tracks at my PCBs are 0.25mm. But when I have 0.4mm pitch IC I have to use 0.2mm tracks near it, but after going few mm with 0.2mm width, where I have enough room I change width to 0.25.
Remembering old times of single layer PCBs I don’t like to go with my 0.25mm track directly from for example terminal blocks. So at each pin I start with few mm of 1mm track width to than change into 0.25.
But most often I change power track widths. Imagine 0.7x0.9mm 0603 ferryte bead pad and I’m using 1mm tracks for VCC. To prevent the track from sticking out on the other side of the 0.7mm wide pad, but still end in the middle of the pad, the last piece needs to be slightly thinner. I have a problem with it ‘since always’ as when I want to change width when routing point is already inside pad then snapping grabs my cursor and suddenly moves me at pad center (even it means jumping 1/4 of screen size (zooming not helps). I was writing (when V5 was new) about limiting snapping to only several pixels but it looks that it is only my problem :frowning:

Thanks for reminding me how I ought to be changing track widths. I usually use context menu and type in whatever number I think I want.

It’s a bug. We’ll fix it soon. T.