Different pin assignment between two identical footprints

I create two symbols that share the same footprint, for APB2 Honeywell sensor family:

Both have SDA signals on pin #5 and SCL on pin #6.
Look at the layout:

U12 has the I2C pins swapped! How is it possible?
I don’t see any error in the “Update PCB” log, and the following warnings:

Warning: Via connected to unknown net ().
Warning: No net found for component U9 pad 16 (no pin 16 in symbol).
Warning: No net found for component U9 pad MP (no pin MP in symbol).
Warning: No net found for component U9 pad 10 (no pin 10 in symbol).
Warning: No net found for component U9 pad 15 (no pin 15 in symbol).
Warning: No net found for component U9 pad MP (no pin MP in symbol).
Warning: No net found for component U4 pad 4 (no pin 4 in symbol).
Warning: No net found for component U3 pad 4 (no pin 4 in symbol).

are related to other components.
Also the ERC does not show any error/warning related to U12 and U12.

I’m lost since I don’t understand what can cause such a wrong assignment.
Any idea?

No idea, but sounds like a curious problem.
Any chance to upload a small snippet as example project (best is to include the symbol as well as the FP library)?

You show only the hierarchical sheet of certain level, but these must be wired in a higher level and can be named there.

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Yeah, you’re right:

here I swapped the signals.
I didn’t check there since inside the sheet they were correct.

Is there a way to spot this kind of errors? I mean using a Kicad tool?

For this case, I don’t see how this could be spotted automatically. For KiCad these are just arbitrary names. It’s like with IC pins: you have to know what needs to be connected to what pin.

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