Does anyone know what the differences are between “EESchema Schematic File Version 2” (produced by KiCad 4) and “EESchema Schematic File Version 4” (produced by KiCad 5)? The difference does not seem to be documented on the file formats page. (In fact, the PDF linked from that page only documents “EESchema Schematic File Version 1”.)
Version 3 added symbol-library-table references and version 4 added graphical line formatting
I first made the simple 3-component demo PCB given in 0yvind Nydal Dahl’s original 5-minute tutorial video at during the summer of 2018 in kicad4 in order to learn how to use kicad.
I redid Oyvind Nydal Dahl’s 3-component PCB in kicad 5 in the fall of 2018,
after replacing kicad 4.0.7 w/ kicad 5.0.
I still have the two schematic files, one from kicad 4.0.7, the newer one from
kicad 5.0.0 and will send you them if you message your email addressto me. You can compare them to see the differences. It’s not hard to do, as they are both text files. The kicad 4 file is 95 lines; the kicad5 file, 66 lines.
Thanks! I’d been wondering why the parser I wrote for version 2 files seemed to be parsing my version 4 files successfully without error. I’ll try creating some files with graphical line formatting and use that for testing.
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