document not found error has a link in it’s main page to python plugin development documentation that gives not found error. Is somebody able to fix this?

if you’re looking for python documentation you have it here for:
KiCad version 6.x KiCad Pcbnew Python Scripting: pcbnew Namespace Reference
KiCad version 7.x KiCad Pcbnew Python Scripting: pcbnew Namespace Reference
KiCad version 8.x KiCad Pcbnew Python Scripting: pcbnew Namespace Reference
KiCad nightly 8.99 KiCad Pcbnew Python Scripting: pcbnew Namespace Reference

The API docs MitjaN linked contain the details, but I think that link on the landing page is supposed to go here: PCB Python Bindings | Developer Documentation | KiCad

I’ll open an issue to fix the link

Thanks, both of the links are useful. If you created the issue, I can comment it if needed.

This is the first time I try to do any kind of UI support for kicad plugins/scripts I have.
First thing would I would like to accomplish in kicad integration is to just them showing up in the kicad plugins selection menu and once selected, open a dialog where one can enter the file name to edit field or browse it.

And once user has selected the file, UI would also need to have button that executes the current python scripts I have to do the action and then provide feedback from the result.

Is there any kind of example template plug-in for that kind of workflow?

I can’t help you with the plugin, but the website is fixed now

Thanks, just tested the link in main page points now to correct location.