This was the only way I could ensure that there were no false positives or false negatives for any of the rules, and that regression errors are not introduced when changing the rule set.
I plan to also add a PCBWay project shortly.
I welcome comments and suggestions for changes/improvements in the Issues or Discussions sections of the repository.
Many thanks.
I didn’t know about the .kicad_dru file.
I have my own templates made, but I have only pcb, prl, pro and sch files. Will have a look how to move the rules to .kicad_dru
Will have a look at the repo, but it looks like the rules are based on 4+ layer PCB. Make either a separate 1-2 layer templae or name this one as multilayer to avoid confusion. Someone can delete inner copper layers (or just not use them) and presume others constrains are fine for 2-layer PCB, but they are not.
I can raise it an issue on github if you prefer it that way
@greg_m the rules are universal and will work fine with 1, 2, 4 layers and up. The relevant rules refer to outer and/or inner layers as appropriate. So on a 1 or 2 layer PCB, the rules for inner layers will never be selected while performing DRC.
After seeing Seth’s talk on custom rules at KiCon Asia (hopefully, videos will come soon) and discussions regarding DRCs, I wonder how this ties into the hierarchy of different rules in KiCad. Surely some of these rules belong in DRC, and if the DRC is not correctly configured, it would override the custom rules?
Making a repository of custom templates (or DRU files) for various manufacturers came up in discussions as well. If we can get the creases ironed out, we’d be happy to make one for HQ NextPCB
Still relatively new to KiCad and rules, corrections would be much appreciated