Delete All Markers dialog box ambiguity?


Using the DRC/Design Rules Checker, I’m finding this dialog box confusing. Now, I’m still quite new to KiCad, so it could just be my lack of understanding about how things work in the cad drawing world:

“Do you wish to delete excluded markers as well?”

That seems like I should get a Yes or No button. Instead, we have an OK, Cancel, and that’s good enough, where OK = YES and Cancel = NO.

But then there’s the “Delete exclusions” checkbox to the left of the OK button, and this is where I get really confused.

If I’m already answering the “Do you wish to delete excluded markers as well?” with OK = YES or Cancel = NO, then what is this checkbox for?

It seems redundant and it confuses me. Can anyone clarify what checking “Delete exclusions” does, and how it changes the OK = YES and Cancel = NO answer to the main question?

Thanks, everyone!


I think the arrangement of the UI artefacts is bad. I would have a checkbox on the left of a legend: Delete Exclusions Also.

My interpretation . . .

The OK & Cancel buttons are for the question(s) in the dialogue box as a whole . . . OK = “Yes do this” Cancel = “NO ! don’t do it”

So what is the question in the dialogue box ? there is one main question, with an optional question:

  • Main Q: Delete All Markers ?
  • Optional Q: Delete exclusions ?

The optional Q is only enabled when you check the checkbox.

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Thank you, hopefully this is how it works.

Glad to know I’m not the only one who finds this box a bit confusing.

Thank you!

I’ll see if there are any other interpretations in this thread before marking this as resolved.


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Yes, it seems that the problem is that there is a question AND a checkbox that say/ask the same thing. Thus, the ambiguity as to which thing are you saying OK/Cancel to.

If the box read like this, I wouldn’t be asking here, it would be clear:

Or even like this:

Glad to know I’m not the only one that finds this a bit confusing, so these are my suggestions.

Thanks, everyone, for their help!


If I were re-doing the dialogue box I think I’d use a tick box (assuming it’s available) and position it after the “Delete exclusions” text . . . . and add a ? mark

Maybe . . .


I’d recommend opening an issue on Gitlab so a developer can see the issue and (hopefully) address it.

There are definitely better ways to present this dialog.

Hmmm, to me I see it as that I have hit a button to do a deletion and then a dialogue appears and askes me if I want to delete all markers ? so I can hit ‘ok’ but I get a side order of 'excluded ones as well ? The ‘Delete All Markers’ is why I pressed the button in the first place so the answer is yes (OK) and the ‘Delete exclusions’ is an optional extra in case I had forgotten. :crazy_face: Just to be awkward.

I have never seen that dialog in KiCad myself.

When I click on the Delete All Markers button, it just deletes all markers.

I also don’t understand why KiCad would ask for an extra confirmation when you’ve already clicked on a button to delete all markers. Imho, if some option for this is deemed useful, it should be integrated in the DRC window directly, and not as a separate dialog.

It only pops up when you have exclusions after you click the Delete All Markers button.

e.g. Try excluding the Silkscreen clipped warning and then click the button.

I am able to reproduce this now when:

  1. Run DRC.
  2. Exclude some message that got flagged.
  3. Press the Delete All Markers button.

I fail to see why this extra dialog has any use. I’d say that at the moment you exclude a warning/error, it’s corresponding error marker should also be removed. I am pretty much indifferent if it got deleted completely. But if you’re interested in this detail, then having a look of when and why it was put into KiCad in the first place is probably a good start.

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then having a look of when and why it was put into KiCad in the first place is probably a good start.

So, I searched to see if anyone on this thread had added an issue yet. Then I found this commit for this issue. It looks like that is when the dialog was added.

It appears to have been a fix for another fix and another fix, etc.

Anyway, I created this issue for it, if others want to comment or track it.

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Thanks for this paulvdh. In my current project, I may have 150 errors, 100 of which should be excluded because it’s the way I want it to be fabbed. I’m probably doing bad things by not setting up exceptions before I begin, but I don’t know enough yet to know what to exclude before I “cross the line” so to speak and do the bad thing that creates the error.

In my case here, if Delete All Markers also deleted all exclusions without option, then when I ran DRC in the future, I’d have to re-exclude those 100 items every time I re-ran DRC.

So, I see a high value in deleting all markers EXCEPT exclusions, and having the option to choose to delete exclusions or preserve exclusions when deleting all other markers, so the exclusions STAY excluded for each subsequent DRC run.

I only ask for the dialog box to be more clear about what I’m clicking OK to, that’s all.

Thanks again everyone for this discussion!


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Thank you, I think this can mark the close of this forum thread, and I’m content to take my input on the issue there.

But I think it’s in good hands with y’all now, so everyone, I thank you!



This is indeed why the checkbox exists.

(Though admittedly the presentation of it is confusing.)

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8.0 uses a 3-button layout. (Only MacOS is vertical like this. The other platforms still use horizontal dialog button layout.)

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Indeed, Jeff, this is absolutely superior to every option I’ve seen yet! That’s crystal clear!

If a 3-button layout like that could be implemented in the Windows version, I think that’s a no-brainer.

That layout certainly gets my vote…thank you!


My previous post was unclear. The code for the dialog content is shared, so the Windows version now has 3 buttons (with the same labels) as well. It’s just that Windows will lay them out horizontally instead of vertically.

Wow…that was a fast change! Will that be in the 7.0.11 version then?

Yes, it will be in 7.0.11.