Define Value different from Symbol Name in Library


Not sure about the category, because my question is more about the file format and the handling of EESCHEMA.

I am working on a Library Generation Script. I would like to know if there is an option to have a different Symbol Value from it’s Symbol Name. There is Field 1 in the file format, but it is not used in EESCHEMA, I guess it only gets used as soon as the symbol is placed in a schematic. But in the library, the “Value” field is always filled with the Name.

My dodgy solution would be to turn the Value field invisible and add a Custom field on the same spot which contains the actual “Value”.

Any thoughts on that?

This is not possible at this point in time. It will however be possible with the new file format that is expected to come with version 6. (currently in development. There is no release date yet. Personal guess at least another year if not two)

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