Default graphic line style EESchema - where to change?

I want to change the default graphic line style. My default is “Solid”, I want to change that to “Dashed”. Is there a setting for that? I cannot find it. I think it needs to be somewhere, since in line properties (“E”) there is “Defalut” setting, which I want to change.

I am aware of bulk edit option in “Edit Text & Graphics Properties” - but this not resolves it.
If there is no such option can someone confirm it?


Edit > Edit Text & Graphic Properties.
Scope > Schematic text and graphics.
Set to > Line style.

Don’t forget to “Apply”.

To change the ratio of line to space for a dotted line, go to File > Schematic Setup > Dashed Lines.

I am aware of that :slight_smile:
If I do as you mentioned I will change all solid lines to dashed, but when drawing new line “solid” line will be placed.
What I mean is where to set “dashed” as default:

For what it’s worth…

I’ve been looking though KiCad’s settings for what linestyle is used for new lines, but I have not found an option to change the default.

For text boxes and labels, KiCad seems to remember bold and direction from the previously entered text, but not text size, this is reset to 1.27mm.

So, I am not sure, but my guess is this is one of the small things that is simply not implemented in KiCad.

As a workaround, you can (repeatedly) copy existing lines and then modify their the location of their endpoints.

Two things your can do:

  1. Use/Create a Script to do it
  2. Edit using any Text-Editor

Video shows using the Kicad linked system Text-Editor.
Selected the Schematic, Right-Click to get popup with the Editor

Then, do Search/Replace… can do All or, as shown, march down the list and replace/skip what you want… You see I have mixed Wires and Buses.

I show that you must close schematic without saving the schematic. BUT, Save the Edited file. Then, open it as usual to see the changes (if you save it before closing it, it will overwrite your changes.

This is quicker than changing each line… perhaps…

ADDED: It may be convenient to Window-Box or Multiple-Select what you want to change then, press ‘E’ to edit them all at once… Last screenshot…

After doing the Edit, opening shows the updated 1.5mm width’s. Enter the desired width… in the red-circled field.

Changed all to 3.0mm by entering into the field…