Default Global Labels

Hi to Group,

I’m newbie on Kicad .Experienced in PCB design though . I imported one multipage project from EasyEda . As i understood the traditional labels that i used are considered local in each page .So i had to change local labels to global labels . Global Labels are awfully long, enclosed in shapes,.That created a series of other problems to fit and a lot of work to redesign .Is there no way for Kicad to consider label usage by default global ?. I have a series of projects in Altium and EasyEda that will create too much work to translate . Anybody can help ?.

Not that I’m aware of. You appreciate that it would cause confusion if one could not tell if a label is local or global from the shape.

Things you can do include reducing the font size, using hierarchical sheets and buses.

Lastly consider if you could use wires and buses instead of labels in some places. IMO overuse of labels make schematics harder to comprehend.

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Thank you for your reply . I prefer using labels than wires . A label is clearing things if someone understands the chips and help developing software since you use the same tittles .Let me not speak about if you change place of a chip what happens . Or seeing a mess of wires in front of you . Not being able to select scope per project is a big issue …

Connecting everything (only) with labels is a big mess. It makes a big puzzle out of every schematic. But connecting everything with wires makes a big spaghetti out of the schematic and is just as bad.

For multi-page schematics, I very much like the hierarchical labels. They are sometimes a bit annoying to draw and organize, but they also create structure which makes your schematic much easier to understand (also for others).

But for import / conversion of other schematics. Label types should be the same. If you used global labels in your other program, they should stay global labels in KiCad.

I am not entirely sure why you had to do this. Apparently it got you onto trouble because KiCad draws a box around those global labels, and this takes up more space. I can think of two (partial) workarounds for this.

  • You can use a smaller font, which reduces the size, but may compromise readability.
  • Keep local labels, but add global labels. In KiCad, a global label and a local label connect to each other when they are used on the same page. Some time ago someone mentioned he uses local labels for everything, but also adds a single column of global labels, so he has an overview of all net names that are also used on other sheets.
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“Keep local labels, but add global labels”. That’s a realy good idea . Thanks .Although an option for nets local/global per project would be great . I did not had to care about visibility issues in EasyEda .
A big thank’s to all people who spent their time for my question.

I don’t know how easyeda treats labels. Maybe it only has global labels? That would be quite bad. In KiCad for example, you can draw a hierarchical schematic with multiple instances of the same sheet, As an example, think of a high power 3-phase motor driver. You create a single sheet for a half bridge, and then reuse the same sheet for the other two half bridges. Local labels on such a sheet do not connect to another instance of the same sheet. This is a very nice and powerful feature of KiCad. It also makes it very clear that there must be a clearly visual difference between the different types of labels.

From what I understand, the “free” version of easyeda does not support hierarchical sheets at all, and you have to pay for some other version.

If I understand you correctly, your problem has mostly to do with sheets converted form easyeda to KiCad. If you had drawn them in KiCad in the first place, you would have placed the labels in such a way there was enough room for them.

I also do not understand:

Each time you create a label in KiCad, you decide beforehand which type of label you want to create. KiCad has three different menu options, three different button in the toolbar on the right side, and the different hotkeys. One for each of the 3 label types.


I generally work with global labels and differentiate, if i need local, only from value . That will create much less confusion and make simple tittles much more flexible to place .Labels is a must in most designs .For example you need labels for a cpu with 100 pins .What if you decide to move it 2-3 grids ways . You need too much work in all operations.EasyEda works fine but is a nerve breaking program when it coms to librray organization so i gave up on it . Eagle i don’t remember this selection .Altium the same . If i remember correctly it had a selection fro nets global . Anyway let’s see . I have mixed emotions for Kicad so far .

Every PCB design program has it’s advantages, but also it’s own weirdness and strange quirks. One of the problems is that those change, depending on who you ask. There is a lot of development going on in KiCad and it has improved significantly over the last few years, but there are still a bunch of relatively weird “shortcomings” left over from the old days. A big factor here is that there is simply not enough time available among the KiCad developers to fix all issues quickly. If you have used KiCad for some time, you will notice significant improvements with each new mayor version (released once a year, in February).

Labels have their use, but using global labels for everything is a very bad practice. Just like using global variables in a C program. It mostly works for small schematics (programs) but when things get bigger you get into trouble and it’s difficult to fix.

Each program also works “differently”. And you will have to adjust some of your habits to what works best in KiCad (often there are many different ways) If you keep on using KiCad in exactly the same way as you used to in that “other program”, then it’s much more likely that you won’t like KiCad very much in the long run.


The issue of right pcb program is quite serious when you work as a profession .
I have seen KIcad versions and you are right saying has grown significantly
As i see now It’s major drawback the part modeling . The symbol, footprint, 3d model is a must
nowdays. Using an alias of a graphic symbol seems a bit outdated .
On the other side txt editable data files and os compatibility are major assets .
Also the large user base contribution and community are considered large plus for me .
Any chance we see a “find and select similar objects” option in future versions?.
Overall the user interface is pleasant and i consider productive .
BTW Is there a forum for proposals ?

I don’t think you will ever see KiCad, (and IMO never should) an ECAD software package, being able to do 3D CAD part modelling. From what I understand Altium can do some primitive shapes but they are really of little use and can easily be done in tools such as FreeCAD.

If you want a correct 3D Model go ask the manufacturer of the part.

You can make feature requests via GitLab and do it direct from KiCad Help > Report Bug

Sorry what i asked what not clear .
I mean software modeling a component as a database part. Not designing the 3d model .
The device model must have these 3 fields to be used by the program . Now we go in
symbols assign a footprint and footprint is assigned a 3d model . I have seen an effort to use
sql database but haven’t checked how usable is that . 3d modeling of course only Fusion makes
as i know and ALtium elementary as part of pcb .

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